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  • Intense anxiety paralyzing you when giving a speech or presentation?
  • Feeling overwhelmed because work and home life are pulling you in too many different directions?
  • Considering a career shift because your current job/career is unfulfilling?
  • Having difficulty focusing and think that you might have ADD and you want to learn how to focus better?
  • Dealing with a challenging health problem such as chronic pain, cancer or an autoimmune disease?
  • Weight loss efforts have failed in the past and you keep sabotaging yourself by bingeing?
  • Experienced significant loss in your life because of death, divorce, a job or a relationship ending?  

Depending on your needs, you may benefit from coaching or counseling.  Sometimes people need more skills, knowledge, a process to achieve their goals, as well as support and an accountability system to help them get there.  If that’s the case, then coaching may be the right choice for you. Learn more about performance coaching.  However, sometimes people need to take a deeper look into themselves to help them understand their patterns that may not be helping them create the life they want.  If that’s the case, then perhaps some individual counseling is the route that would be best for you to take.   I can help you decide which path might be best for you.  

Contact Us to help you decide your next steps.