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“My coach made me the best athlete in the world, it’s that simple”.

 Dr. Megan Neyer, Olympian, World Champion and founder of Neyer Performance Strategies, LLC


¨      Feeling pressure because you are great in practice situations but have trouble putting it all together in that performance situation?


¨      Need guidance to develop and achieve your career goals?

¨      Wanting to nail your interviews for that job you’ve targeted?

What is Performance Coaching? 

No one, regardless of natural talent, is born a champion.  Everyone is born with potential.  Our natural talents are fostered by our own commitment to excellence, and then we must have access to consistent development opportunities in order to achieve our goals. 
Whether on the field or in a business setting, performance is relative across arenas, and the mental skills of world-class athletes are transferable from the arena into organizational settings.  Performance coaching provides the foundation for people to get clear about how to direct their strengths most effectively, offset or develop their weaknesses, work better within teams, and to help people move beyond their self-perceived mental barriers.

How Will An Individual Benefit?

¨      Learn the mental strategies of world class athletes that produce great performance

¨      Define clear strategies to achieve goals

¨      Increase resilience to deal with turbulence in times of change

¨      Understand one's leadership/management style and how that impacts others

¨      Empower and support the motivation of others

¨      Become a more effective communicator

¨      Learn strategies for managing energy, stress, and emotions

¨      Develop a process for managing life options and obstacles

¨      Provide an unbiased perspective on issues


How Will A Team Or Organization Benefit?


¨      Retain its best talent and facilitate their growth

¨      Clearly define sources of motivation

¨      Produce better results by developing skills and abilities

¨      Develop high performance teams

¨      Facilitate organizational, structural, and functional changes

¨      Improve workforce recruitment

¨      Enhance communication with internal and external customers

¨      Complement other improvement processes

¨      Promote focused performance discussions

¨      Facilitate the building of shared vision